The rise of the Andes has not been constant, as different regions have had different degrees of tectonic stress, uplift, and erosion. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft 9/86: 42–54. Bolivia has been a completely landlocked country ever since. Kuhle, M. (1990): The Probability of Proof in Geomorphology—an Example of the Application of Information Theory to a New Kind of Glacigenic Morphological Type, the Ice-marginal Ramp (Bortensander). [32], Lake Titicaca hosts several endemics, among them the highly endangered Titicaca flightless grebe[32] and Titicaca water frog. The volcanoes of the belt are diverse in terms of activity style, products and morphology. There is a long history of mining in the Andes, from the Spanish silver mines in Potosí in the 16th century to the vast current porphyry copper deposits of Chuquicamata and Escondida in Chile and Toquepala in Peru. ), Quaternary Glaciation— Extent and Chronology. Et il n’y a pas un touriste dans la région, c’est pas croyable! The Incas formed this civilization through imperialistic militarism as well as careful and meticulous governmental management. La cordillère des Andes, couramment appelée les Andes, est une longue chaîne de montagnes en Amérique du Sud. Le néophyte pourra ainsi avoir une vision claire de la succession de ces foyers culturels éclos le long de la cordillère des Andes. The large ice field corresponds to the southern slope of, Map of South America showing the Andes running along the entire western part (roughly parallel to the Pacific coast) of the continent, Teofilo Laime Ajacopa, Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha, La Paz, 2007 (Quechua–Spanish dictionary), Jan-Christoph Otto, Joachim Götz, Markus Keuschnig, Ingo Hartmeyer, Dario Trombotto, and Lothar Schrott (2010). [6][7] The Bolivian Orocline area overlaps with the area of maximum width of the Altiplano Plateau and according to Isacks (1988) the Orocline is related to crustal shortening. Find the perfect Cordillère Des Andes stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. The crepuscular (active during dawn and dusk) chinchillas, two threatened members of the rodent order, inhabit the Andes' alpine regions. The rough terrain has historically put the costs of building highways and railroads that cross the Andes out of reach of most neighboring countries, even with modern civil engineering practices. [4], Aluk Plate (formerly) • Antarctic Plate • Carnegie Ridge • Chile Rise • Farallon Plate (formerly) • Juan Fernández Ridge • Nazca Plate • Nazca Ridge, Dolores-Guayaquil • Cordillera Blanca • Cochabamba • Domeyko • El Tigre • San Ramón • Liquiñe-Ofqui • Magallanes-Fagnano, Northern Zone • Peruvian flat-slab • Central Zone • Pampean flat-slab • Southern Zone • Patagonian Gap • Austral Zone, Arequipa-Antofalla • Mejillonia • Chilenia • Chaitenia • Chiloé Block • Cuyania • Pampia • Patagonia • Fitz Roy • Madre de Dios. Recommandations. The Andes Mountains also contain large quantities of iron ore located in many mountains within the range. La Cordillère des Andes photographié par Yann Arthus Bertrand Musique d’Eric Saulnier Pax Universalis 4-7-1 Cliquer pour changer de diapo 2. (voir mon reportage sur La Paz). Geol. Ελέγξτε τις μεταφράσεις του "Cordillère des Andes" στα Ελληνικά. In: GeoJournal 21 (3); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 195–222. The snow line depends on the location. It is the result of a convergent plate boundary between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate. Les Indiens en font une boulette qu’ils chiquent toute la journée pour lutter contre le mal d’altitude. Rundsch. Kuhle, M. (2004): The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glacier cover of the Aconcagua group and adjacent massifs in the Mendoza Andes (South America). 15 (Quaternary Glaciation – Extent and Chronology, A Closer Look, Eds: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L. [32] Other animals found in the relatively open habitats of the high Andes include the huemul, cougar, foxes in the genus Pseudalopex,[30][31] and, for birds, certain species of tinamous (notably members of the genus Nothoprocta), Andean goose, giant coot, flamingos (mainly associated with hypersaline lakes), lesser rhea, Andean flicker, diademed sandpiper-plover, miners, sierra-finches and diuca-finches. The main surviving languages of the Andean peoples are those of the Quechua and Aymara language families. Plein soleil et chaleur, car la cordillère des Andes se trouve tout en haut de l’Argentine, à 400km du Tropique du Capricorne. Elle est ici bordée par le Nevado de Cachi qui culmine à 6380m et elle serpente vers le sud dans les Vallées de Calchaquies. The Andes are a Mesozoic–Tertiary orogenic belt of mountains along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of volcanic activity that encompasses the Pacific rim of the Americas as well as the Asia-Pacific region. Nous roulons sur la fameuse route 40 qui descend du nord au sud, sur 5000 km, jusqu’à Ushuaia. Sculptées par le vent et le soleil, des formes étranges ont émergé, colorées par les minéraux. Les paysages que nous découvrons sont véritablement sublimes. The development continued through the Jurassic Period. Although Andean Amerindian peoples crafted ceremonial jewelry of gold and other metals, the mineralizations of the Andes were first mined on a large scale after the Spanish arrival. The northern Andes are typically rainy and warm, with an average temperature of 18 Â°C (64 Â°F) in Colombia. While some differences can be explained by which volcanic zone a volcano belongs to, there are significant differences inside volcanic zones and even between neighbouring volcanoes. Maize was also an important crop for these people, and was used for the production of chicha, important to Andean native people. Kuhle, M. (2011): The High-Glacial (Last Glacial Maximum) Glacier Cover of the Aconcagua Group and Adjacent Massifs in the Mendoza Andes (South America) with a Closer Look at Further Empirical Evidence. Ambiance tendue avec les douaniers. Lors de ce voyage exceptionnel, vous traversez des villages typiques du centre du Pérou et appréciez le rythme lent du train pour apprécier les paysages. La piste est chaotique et nous sommes seuls au monde. ), 735–738. La cordillère des Andes étend ses reliefs en bordure de l' océan Pacifique, entre la mer des Caraïbes et la Terre de Feu sur environ 2,5 millions de kilomètres carrés – une superficie très proche de celle formée par les Himalayas et le plateau du Tibet –, et elle est présente sur les territoires de sept pays (Venezuela, Colombie, Équateur, Pérou, Bolivie, Chili … [32] These forest-types, which includes the Yungas and parts of the Chocó, are very rich in flora and fauna, although few large mammals exist, exceptions being the threatened mountain tapir, spectacled bear and yellow-tailed woolly monkey. Get this from a library! Terracing, however, was only extensively employed after Incan imperial expansions to fuel their expanding realm. Suggestion d’itinéraires à Buenos Aires Suggestion d’itinéraires à Puerto Iguazu. Le film relate la lutte pour leur survie d'étudiants uruguayens, membres d'une équipe locale de rugby, victimes d'un crash aérien dans la cordillère des Andes … Ca monte, ça descend dans les rues bruyantes et polluées et je suis épuisée au moindre pas! : Football field in the Andes mountains, Chile. Woodbine Parish and Joseph Barclay Pentland surveyed a large part of the Bolivian Andes from 1826 to 1827. On se croît dans une Provence d’il y a cent ans, avec une grande douceur de vivre. Argentine, Chili, Bolivie… Trois pays en un seul voyage, avec une alternance de vallées et de défilés rocheux, de col et de hauts plateaux, de déserts de sel et de neiges éternelles. Locally, the relatives of the camel, the llama, and the alpaca continue to carry out important uses as pack animals, but this use has generally diminished in modern times. [29], The Andes are rich in fauna: With almost 1,000 species, of which roughly 2/3 are endemic to the region, the Andes are the most important region in the world for amphibians. [Sarah Marquis] -- "Cela fait 18 ans que Sarah Marquis part à la découverte de notre planète à la force de ses jambes. Je savoure le spectacle poétique des colonies de flamants roses de la Laguna Colorada, des échassiers migrateurs qui apprécient cette eau riche en algues et en minéraux. The high-altitude Polylepis forests and woodlands are found in the Andean areas of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile. C'est l'histoire des survivants den Andes. The etymology of the word Andes has been debated. En fin d’après midi, lorsque la chaleur est plus supportable, nous escaladons la Vallée de la Lune. The potato holds a very important role as an internally consumed staple crop. 2c. La Paz, Bolivia's seat of government, is the highest capital city in the world, at an elevation of approximately 3,650 m (11,975 ft). Geography The Andean cordillera is the largest mountain range in the world, extending approximately 8000km from Venezuela to the extreme South of Chile. See railroad maps of that region. The Bolivian Andes produce principally tin although historically silver mining had a huge impact on the economy of 17th century Europe. [16], Though precipitation increases with the height, there are semiarid conditions in the nearly 7,000-metre (22,966 ft) highest mountains of the Andes. Sur la place du village, à l’ombre de vénérables caroubiers, les familles indiennes ont installé leur marché artisanal avec des étals colorés, tapis, tissages aux couleurs vibrantes, poupées de chiffon… Après un arrêt à Uquia dont l’église abrite d’exceptionnelles peintures du 17e siècle, nous arrivons à Humahuaca, un village austère à 3000m d’altitude, qui annonce les rigueurs de l’Altiplano. La rivière aux eaux turquoises bordée d’eucalyptus de la forêt de Jujuy disparaît tandis que les cactus colonisent peu à peu les pentes. : Au loin, la cordillère des Andes borde le paysage. ; Hughes, P.D. Dans le mercado Rodriguez, j’admire la tenue colorée portée par la cholita, femme indigène bolivienne de l’Altiplano, gros jupons à trois volants inspirés des larges jupes des femmes de colons espagnols  qu’elle  accompagne d’un petit chapeau melon en feutre porté très haut sur la tête. [12] 20, 1–35, Berlin. [34] The government sponsored the construction of aqueducts and roads in addition to preexisting installations. Temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity decrease in higher elevations. Other important crops that originated from the Andes are tobacco and potatoes. Glissant sur la croûte de sel, mon 4×4 me mène à l’Ile Incahuasi, un amas rocheux hérissé de cactus dont certains ont plus de 600 ans. cordillère des Andes - traduction français-anglais. [28], The vicuña and guanaco can be found living in the Altiplano, while the closely related domesticated llama and alpaca are widely kept by locals as pack animals and for their meat and wool. Dans la cordillère des Andes, à Callao, quatre voyageurs distingués ont raté le bateau qui devait les emmener à Sydney. Ce ruban vert et fertile accueille de  grandes fermes d’élevage et de culture. Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani and Young, editors (2008). Notre trip se termine le lendemain par un vol vers Santa Cruz, une ville au climat tropical qui n’a semble-t-il aucun intérêt pour le tourisme si ce n’est son aéroport international. The climate in the Andes varies greatly depending on latitude, altitude, and proximity to the sea. Parts of the La Paz conurbation, including the city of El Alto, extend up to 4,200 m (13,780 ft). Río de la Plata and Argentina[38] derive their names from the silver of Potosí. Plus loin nous attend le village de Susques, à 3880m d’altitude. The Andes extend from north to south through seven South American countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. [11], The regions immediately east of the Andes experience a series of changes resulting from the Andean orogeny. The main cause of the rise of the Andes is the compression of the western rim of the South American Plate due to the subduction of the Nazca Plate and the Antarctic Plate. Son altitude à 2800m lui offre un climat idéal et on respire mieux. Le mot Andes vient du quechua anti qui The western rim of the South American Plate has been the place of several pre-Andean orogenies since at least the late Proterozoic and early Paleozoic, when several terranes and microcontinents collided and amalgamated with the ancient cratons of eastern South America, by then the South American part of Gondwana. Un ciel infiniment bleu, une surface blanche étincelante qui ressemble à un mirage, nous sommes dans le Salar de Uyuni, le plus grand désert de sel du monde, véritable banquise de 12.000m2 traversée chaque année par le rallye du Dakar. La vieille ville qui avait le statut de cité impériale fait partie du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco.  Je me balade avec plaisir dans ses ruelles bordées de maisons aux portes en pierres sculptées et aux balcons précieusement travaillés en bois. In: Chinese Translation Bulletin of Glaciology and Geocryology 5 (4): 1–17 (in Chinese language). Dans la cordillère des Andes, et en contrebas du Cerro Rico qui la domine au sud, Potosi est à 4000 mètres d'altitude. The Andes Mountains are the highest mountain range outside Asia. The Sierras de Córdoba, where the effects of the ancient Pampean orogeny can be observed, owe their modern uplift and relief to the Andean orogeny in the Tertiary. The formation of the modern Andes began with the events of the Triassic when Pangaea began the break up that resulted in developing several rifts. 130 likes. Irrigation is helpful in advancing the sowing data of the summer crops which guarantees an early yield in the period of food shortage. The Andes can be divided into three sections: The Leeward Antilles islands Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, which lie in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, were formerly thought to represent the submerged peaks of the extreme northern edge of the Andes range, but ongoing geological studies indicate that such a simplification does not do justice to the complex tectonic boundary between the South American and Caribbean plates. Εξετάστε τα παραδείγματα μετάφρασης του Cordillère des Andes σε προτάσεις, ακούστε την προφορά και μάθετε τη … It remains unclear if the patchy distribution of these forests and woodlands is natural, or the result of clearing which began during the Incan period. Coca, despite eradication programmes in some countries, remains an important crop for legal local use in a mildly stimulating herbal tea, and, both controversially and illegally, for the production of cocaine. Près de San Pedro de Atacama, petit village touristique qui forme un oasis à 2400m d’altitude, une piste conduit à la Cordillère de Sel formée il y a des millions d’années par le mouvement des plaques tectoniques. The Andes rose to fame for their mineral wealth during the Spanish conquest of South America. Le 13 octobre 1972, le vol 571 de la Force aérienne uruguayenne avec a son bord des étudiants faisant partie d'une équipe de rugby, s'ecrase sur la cordillère des andes entre le chili et l'argentine. In: GeoJournal 14 (4); Kluwer, Dordrecht/ Boston/ London: 393–421. L'avion s'est écrasé dans les Andes (34° 45′ 54″ S 70° 17′ 11″ O). Cordillère des rêves - Roses des andes 2019, Angers. (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam). cordillère des andes Le cordillère des andes se trouve en venezuela,Colombie,Équateur,Pérou,Bolivie,Chili et en Argentine. This is a continuation of the Andes mountains, and this is the only place where the mountain chain runs east to west. Non loin du palais présidentiel se dresse le musée de la Casa de la Libertad installé dans un ancien monastère jésuite ainsi que la cathédrale qui mêle les styles renaissance, baroque et métis. In: Rachocki, A.H., Church, M. Kuhle, M. (1986): Die Vergletscherung Tibets und die Entstehung von Eiszeiten. In the south, the Andes share a long boundary with the former Patagonia Terrane. Early Mesozoic and Neogene plutonism in Bolivia's Cordillera Central created the Bolivian tin belt as well as the famous, now depleted, deposits of Cerro Rico de Potosí. Les montagnes arides, gros blocs de roches grises, ocres et rouges, prennent des formes incroyables dans les défilés. Au delà s’annonce l’une des portions les plus spectaculaires de la route 40 dans le nord de la cordillère des Andes. A long series of cultural development culminated in the expansion of the Inca civilization and Inca Empire in the central Andes during the 15th century. One of the few Inca sites the Spanish never found in their conquest was Machu Picchu, which lay hidden on a peak on the eastern edge of the Andes where they descend to the Amazon. Huancas, Chachapoyas, Cañaris) and a small army of 180 Spaniards led by Francisco Pizarro. Currently, mining in the Andes of Chile and Peru places these countries as the first and third major producers of copper in the world. [5] The specific point at 18° S where the coastline bends is known as the "Arica Elbow". [8] Further south lies the Maipo Orocline a more subtle Orocline between 30° S and 38°S with a seaward-concave break in trend at 33° S.[9] Near the southern tip of the Andes lies the Patagonian Orocline.[10]. Les lagunes aux reflets vert, bleu ou rose contrastent avec l’environnement minéral ocre et gris. The porphyry mineralization further benefited from the dry climate that let them largely out of the disturbing actions of meteoric water. Other metals including iron, gold, and tin in addition to non-metallic resources are important. The Andes' dendritic glacier arms, i.e. The Andes are the result of tectonic plate processes, caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath the South American Plate. In unirrigated land, pasture is the most common type of land use. Nous passons la nuit dans un gîte du petit village rural de San Juan de Rosario à 3660m d’altitude qui vit de l’élevage du lama et de la culture du quinoa. [33] A few species of hummingbirds, notably some hillstars, can be seen at altitudes above 4,000 m (13,100 ft), but far higher diversities can be found at lower altitudes, especially in the humid Andean forests ("cloud forests") growing on slopes in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and far northwestern Argentina. La voie des Andes : 8 mois à pied sur la cordillère des Andes. Les Andes sont déjà loin mais elles me laissent le plus beau des souvenirs…, Reportage publié dans Femmes d’Aujourd’hui, 2017 ( The majority consensus is that it derives from the Quechua word anti, which means "east"[1] as in Antisuyu (Quechua for "east region"),[1] one of the four regions of the Inca Empire. In the rainy season (summer), part of the rangeland is used for cropping (mainly potatoes, barley, broad beans and wheat). components of valley glaciers, were up to 112.5 km (69.9 mi) long, over 1,250 m (4,101 ft) thick and overspanned a vertical distance of 5,150 m (16,896 ft). Devastated by European diseases to which they had no immunity and civil wars, the Incas were defeated in 1532 by an alliance composed of tens of thousands of allies from nations they had subjugated (e.g. The Andean orogen has a series of bends or oroclines. Parmi les fruits, les légumes et les poulets, on trouve des sacs de feuilles de coca pour l’infusion. Je suis partie au mois de novembre et le temps était parfait, air sec et plein soleil. This article is about the mountain range in South America. La cordillère des Andes étend ses reliefs en bordure de l'océan Pacifique, entre la mer des Caraïbes et la Terre de Feu sur environ 2,5 millions de kilomètres carrés – une superficie très proche de celle formée par les Himalayas et le plateau du Tibet –, et elle est présente sur les territoires de sept pays (Venezuela, Colombie, Équateur, Pérou, B To the east, the Andes range is bounded by several sedimentary basins, such as Orinoco, Amazon Basin, Madre de Dios and Gran Chaco, that separate the Andes from the ancient cratons in eastern South America. The highest mountain outside Asia, Argentina's Mount Aconcagua, rises to an elevation of about 6,961 m (22,838 ft) above sea level. 2020 - La catastrophe aérienne du vol 571 Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, également qualifiée de drame de la cordillère des Andes, est un accident impliquant un Fairchild FH-227 de la Force aérienne uruguayenne survenu le vendredi 13 octobre 1972. La Place du 25 mai rappelle la première révolte menée en 1809 par le maréchal Antonio José de Sucre et son compagnon Simon Bolivar qui aboutira à l’indépendance de la Bolivie. Blackwell Publishing, 2003, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Mountains, biodiversity and conservation", "Upper mantle structure beneath the Caribbean-South American plate boundary from surface wave tomography", "Uplift of the Central Andean Plateau and Bending of the Bolivian Orocline", 10.1130/0091-7613(1987)15<806:trotle>;2, "The Maipo Orocline: A first scale structural feature in the Miocene to Recent geodynamic evolution in the central Chilean Andes", "The Pampean Orogeny of the southern proto-Andes: Cambrian continental collision in the Sierras de Córdoba", 10.1130/0016-7606(1991)103<0098:tfbatf>;2, "Tropical and Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forest Ecoregions", Climate and animal life of the Andes, Regions and Microclimates in the Andes, Complete list of mountains in South America with an elevation at/above 1,500 m (4,920 ft), List of countries where Arabic is an official language, Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests, Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine–oak forests,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Quechua-language text, Articles needing additional references from January 2011, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Беларуская (тарашкевіца)‎, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 February 2021, at 03:09. (1929): Zur Glazialgeologie der chilenischen Anden. La ville a conservé ses 32 églises de style métis baroque, San Francisco, San Bernardo, l’église de la Cie de Jésus ou le couvent des carmélites de Santa Théresa…, parfois transformées en musées. Plus loin, dans une rue étroite, je suis envoûtée  par le marché aux sorcières et son bric à brac de pierres magiques, de plantes médicinales, de foetus de lamas et d’amulettes en tout genre… En fin d’après midi, après avoir visité la basilique San Francisco, le plus bel édifice colonial de La Paz, nous montons dans un bus local pour rejoindre la station du téléphérique qui nous mène au belvédère de la ville haute, à 4085m, avec une vue imprenable sur la ville. Kuhle, M. (1984): Spuren hocheiszeitlicher Gletscherbedeckung in der Aconcagua-Gruppe (32–33° S).