You will get to a huge abyss, at the bottom of which is a shipwreck. Slide down the scarp and head right. Il s'agit du quatrième opus de la série de jeux vidéo Uncharted. You can also aim for white containers with propane scattered all around the ruins. Head down the snowy path to your left, then onto the short ledge and jump to the rocky wall across the small gap. Nathan will find another treasure (Bronze Boar) inside. Climb up a concrete object (the one with a pendant wooden pole). Although Nate won't be able to repeat the same action, Sam will soon discover an interactive tap that can be combined with your grappling hook. Rejoignez la communauté des fans de Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End. Eliminate this fourth guard, then make your way to the tunnel entrance at the opposite end of this platform. You can use your current weapon for the incoming battle, or reach to one of the stone shelves on the right. Perform a jump towards the higher wall and get to the upper shelf. After the cutscene that plays when you locate it, head down the stairs and through the catacombs. Leap to the wall across from the base of the slide, then climb towards the left - when the Shoreline mercs appear, drop down onto the one below you, then perform a stealth takedown on one of the two up ahead (Sam will take care of the other one). Devant l'entrée de la cité, montez l'échelle à droite puis essayez d'activer le mécanisme (image1). Walk to the end of the beam extending from this platform and drop down to hang from it. Grab the dynamite out of the crate in the middle of the site and use it to destroy the large gate ahead of you. The final guard can either be shot or dropped down onto. Use your grappling hook, turn Nate left and start swinging towards the vertical wall with prominent objects that your hero can hold on to. Use long grass, or the very ruins (climb up and drop onto your foes). Chapter 4 - Hit all targets in the attic with the toy gun - Still Got It!. Optional Conversation #2The second Optional Conversations occurs after solving the light puzzle in Avery's tomb. Take out the guard with a corner-attack, then scale the wall and pull the guard above you down. Use a sneak attack on the enemy on the right, and Sam will deal with the one on the left. Use your rope to swing to the next platform, and use the tall grass to avoid being spotted by the three mercs that show up. Avery's grave is located on the other side of the graveyard (see screenshot). If you have a shotgun, you can remain near the buildings and take down your foes from a close distance. Destroy the second wooden gate here, then interact with the large yellow crate and push it through the opening. Mantle onto the short ledge then head through the small stone arch and climb up the rear wall. Solution uncharted 4 chapitre 9 9. Reach another steep slope; slide down in straight line and grab an interactive edge presented in the screenshot. Slide down the right side of the gravel hill, then use your rope to swing across to the other side of the ravine. At the top of this wall you'll find another rock slide - leap onto it and steer left, towards the wall or pathway ahead of you. UNCHARTED 4 : LA TOMBE D'HENRY AVERY (Chapitre 8) - YouTube The treasure is in the ruin. After returning to the surface, you'll need to avoid or eliminate a large amount of Shoreline troops in this area. Find the cave presented in the photo. Jump towards a steep slope and continue sliding down. Un guide complet qui reviendra sur l'intégralité des chapitres que compte le jeu en vous révélant toutes les énigmes et dangers. Get back to the excavation site once again and explore the upper part. The treasure is at the feet of a statue. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. You may approach the main group of enemies on one of several ways, but the recommended solution is to stay in the left part of the area, and use an interactive tap to reach other shelves quickly. Climb it, jump on another one and climb on a higher wall. You can engage in a shoot-out but it will be more interesting to eliminate them silently. Get back to the main path and move forward. Squeeze through the narrow passage at the far end of this chamber, then head down the stairs and interact with the mechanism next to the door at the bottom to end the chapter. To find something that you can use to reach the next area, return to the formation of ruins. Locate a tree with the last interactive tap. Climb up the wall of the 3-story structure and pull over the guard on the ledge above you. Les v'là donc ! Jump backwards across the gap to the other rock face, then continue along the rocks and up to the ladder. Treasure: Slipjoint Clasp KnifeWhile climbing up the cliffside to the cave, Nathan and Sam encounter a few Shoreline men. The most important location in this chapter is the graveyard where you find the mentioned grave and come across a large group of enemies. Watch the cut scene and head for the exit. hier Découvrez notre vidéo révélant l'emplacement de tous les trésors cachés dans le chapitre 2 de Uncharted 4 : L'Enfer sur Terre. Locate the yellow container presented in the screenshot. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - The Grave of Henry Avery - A complete Walkthrough for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ... A Thief's End. You can switch it with your current weapon if you like. Chapitre 9 - Entre deux - Soluce Uncharted 3 : L'Illusion . There is a small cave but the entrance will be blocked by a large crate. Vous y trouverez une branche d'arbre, vous permettant d'accrocher votre corde (Uncharted4). You may want to take it, because it will make the process of killing your opponents much easier. Cross through the lowest level of the central ruined building (pausing to use the doorway to take out the guard who enters), then use the long grass on the other side to take down the guard that wanders into this area. Climb up and along the wall until you're able to drop down to a wooden beam below you. The easiest targets are mercenaries located near the ruins, far away from the main group. Shimmy around the corner to the left, and (again, when you won't been seen by other guards) pull down the Shoreline merc when he's nearby. You will come across more mercenaries, right after you leave the tomb. Move up a little bit, position yourself near the left scarp and aim at the pendant object (with interactive edges) while you slide down. Take advantage of the spreading chaos and try to kill some mercenaries quickly. You will find out that you need a large object to climb up. Mercenaries will have a lot of problem to reach this place, but you need to remember that they may throw grenades at you. Uncharted 4 - Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery Learn how to solve the light puzzle in the crypt. uncharted 1 soluce chapitre 4. uncharted 1 soluce chapitre 4. novembre 3, 2020 10:19 ⋅ Place STATUE TEAR and STONE CROWN; take DEATH MASK and JOURNAL TOKENS 2/2 … Head forwards across the field, then follow the snow drift down the hill to the right. Climb up to the top of the cliff, then wait for Sam to pull you up. You can repeat this on the next soldier, or simply run up behind him and kick him over the ledge. Vous trouverez également une section guide vidéo qui reprend tous les niveaux en vidéo sous forme de guide. The main part of our guide is the very detailed walkthrough for all chapters of the game, which includes, among other things, hints on how to avoid or eliminate opponents (including bosses), information about the best routes … Approach the talking mercenaries, wait for them to split up, and the third thug to turn away. Once the battle starts, think carefully where you want to take your stand. Collect Carved Wood Kashkul. Climb up and, when neither guard is looking, dart through the lower courtyard and climb onto the ruined floor of the section ahead of you. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. When you deal with your enemies, head left and soon you will reach a larger excavation. Use the rope anchor on the tree across from this platform to swing to the wall below the dormitory ruins and climb up. Les valeureux - Soluce Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End .. ement du chapitre 9 d'Uncharted 4 intitulé Les valeureux ; Sommaire du chapitre 9 dédié à tous les collectibles de la mission Les valeureux d'Uncharted 4 dans lequel vous serez à l'intérieur d'une grotte poursuivi par Nadine et Rafe Before reaching the door, however, you're interrupted by Shoreline mercs - eliminate them either via stealth or direct attack, then push the crate through the door and against the wall in the back corner and climb up to the top of the ruins. Investigate the door behind the wall, and draw your attention to beams of lights falling on it. Wait for him to get to the top, move left and grab his hand to climb up. Search the new area once the explosion is over. Scale the ruins that are dangling over the cliff's edge and shimmy across to climb down the far side. This way you will reach Travelling Inkwell with Seal presented in the screenshot. In the place presented in the above picture, Nate will be able to lower himself down and continue to go down. Treasure: Pewter Singing Bird Box On the same cliffside as the previous treasure, jump across to the small cave before following Sam up the side of the cliff. Lorsque la zone aura été clairement nettoyée, prenez le temps d'explorer les lieux pour découvrir quelques trouvailles sympathiques. Treasure: Bronze Boar Go right immediately at the beginning of the level and enter the cave down the hill by the cliff. Apart from firearms, use dynamite to deal with small groups of foes who will try to hide. Interact with each figure and rotate / move the beams of light to line up with the corresponding spots on the door. Although there is a shotgun in it, you don't have to use it. A new tap will be revealed. Swing and jump onto the rock slide, then steer yourself around the corner to the left and use your rope on the anchor point before plummeting off the edge. Here's the path we took for getting through (mostly) unseen: Head to the large ruined structure in the center of the area, then climb over the doorway and drop down on the other side (to avoid being seen by the guard inside). Commencez par vous débarrasser des possesseurs de fusil à rayons postés en hauteur sur les balcons des bâtiments, puis finissez d'en découdre avec les individus qui tenteront de vous débusquer à même le sol. Leap onto the rock slide and steer towards the columns as you descend. Try to catch the upper ladder (you will fail to do that). Chapter 9 - Try to solve the first puzzle in less than 10 tries - Trials and Tribulations. The first Optional Conversation happens with Sam in front of the Jesus and the thieves statues after taking a note. The presented screenshot shows location of Mettler M-30 sniper rifle. Dernier chapitre d'une saga devenue culte, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy doit non seulement passer après l'excellent Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (comme l'atteste notre test) mais aussi clôturer une série qu'on ne prend même plus le temps de présenter.Qu'on se le dise, au fil des épisodes, le studio américain Nautghy … Vous débutez sur le jeu Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End sur PS4 ? Climb to the higher part of the ruins, walk through them and move on. Use the poles to swing to the ruined wall, then climb around the corner and up onto the top of the arched doorway. You need to get to an interactive tap where Nate can use a grappling hook. When you reach the first bigger chamber, check the left corner (see screenshot) and collect a note (secret), which will be added to Drake's journal. After talking to Sully, continue along the clifftop until you reach the far edge. The key problem is that one of the mercenaries is a sharpshooter. Laissez ensuite Sully s'en occuper pendant que vous monterez sur les poids à droite pour atteindre une autre plateforme (image2). In that short tunnel is a crawlspace with pirate trash and the treasure. It's next to the sarcophagus. Look around as Nate can find 11 treasures and add three new entries to his journal. In this article we cover Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Head back down to the front side of the ruin and over to the edge of the cliff. Use wooden fence only if you really have to. Chapitre 9 - Les Valeureux - Soluce Uncharted 4 : A Thief . Climb up onto the ruins and proceed around the right-side base of them, avoiding falling onto the shale slides (and to your death). Jump to the next beam, and then to the staircase after that. While the one closest to you is talking, move through the grass and jump to cling to the wall below him. Slide down and carefully approach a group of enemies, which consists of three mercenaries. Deal with your enemies and locate the gate presented in the screenshot. Don't attack them right away, because you can take them out in a very cunning way. Climb down to the platform where Sam ran to before the bridge broke and you'll find the treasure. Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur nos pages pour y découvrir sans plus attendre la présentation de la solution pour Uncharted 4… Take a look around the cross, and to be more specific, investigate edges of the stone shelf. N'oubliez pas de lire la description, de commenter et de vous abonnez si cela vous plait. Exit the cave and only now focus on your enemies. It's next to the sarcophagus. Move few steps forward and slide down some more. Look around as Nate can find 11 treasures and add three new entries to his journal. Soon you will exit the small cave and begin to slide down (you will need to jump towards an interactive edge at the end). Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur ce jeu grâce à toutes les soluces que propose notre wiki. Thus, you will be able to reach the lower shelf where another treasure (Tortoise Shell Snuff Box) is located (you could have seen it before, but it was unavailable to you). Once the battle starts, you may want to hide in the cave and make your stand there (especially when you play on one of the highest difficulty levels). You are supposed to push it towards the place where you need to climb up. This way, not only will you make the battle easier, but you also will obtain a better weapon (most likely AK-47). Pull the guard over the edge here as well, then (when the coast is clear) climb up to this platform and duck forward to clamber up and hang from the wall of the platform ahead of you. Use interactive edges and move closer to another campsite. Here you will boost Sam up onto a rope ladder - once he moves to his new position, climb over to him and jump to get pulled up to the next area. Move to the left and let go the edge to slide down the steep surface. Move right and reach the place where Sam will be waiting for you. When he gets near, pull him over the edge and climb around the corner to swing from the anchor point to the next ledge. Return fire and eliminate them, then move forward along the indicated path to reach the first excavation site. You will find a treasure (Redware and Silver Jug Flask) in the location presented in the screenshot. You will get to a place where three more mercenaries will be waiting for you. There is more climbing for you. Take out the soldier patrolling the far side of the yard (on ground level) first by performing a drag-takedown into the long grass. Stay clung to the wall to avoid being seen and shimmy all the way to the far end of the ledge, then pull the guard over the edge. Drop it off the edge of the platform and continue moving it around the rock wall towards the door you originally destroyed. You can eliminate its operator via accurate headshot (use your sniper rifle), or by throwing dynamite at him. Après avoir volé la carte-clé, vous entrerez dans la cuisine et verrez une cinématique. Duck through the small cave, then leap onto the rock slide on the other side. Get back to the excavation site and investigate its center to locate a chest with dynamite. Avery's grave is at the far end of the cemetery (near the edge of the cliff), with a large skull placed in the center (in addition to the other required characteristics). Get on the container and reach the upper shelf. Jump back onto the rock slide, this time steering for the climbable wall higher up on the left-hand side. Wait for Sam to follow, then interact with the large wooden door to enter the dormitory cemetery. If you want, you can explore the graveyard and ruined objects scattered all around. Move forward but head to the lower part of the glade, and proceed not far from the large cliff. You should start by sneaking up to the closest opponent who is directly in front of you. « Inexploré 4 : La Fin d'un voleur ») est un jeu vidéo d'action-aventure développé par Naughty Dog et édité par Sony. After taking a look at the dormitory, slide down the rock slide ahead of you, then down the second one after that. Vous voici à présent en Ecosse, à la recherche de la Tombe d'Henry Avery. Collect the secret and head back up. Get back to pushing the yellow container and take it to the place that you unlocked with dynamite. The rest of your way shouldn't cause too much trouble. Remember to come back to check for updates to this guide and much more content for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Print this page More Guides Chapter 8 You can check the note (press X) and learn about other tips that can help you find Avery's grave - you can recognize it by a skull, crossed swords, and dates of birth and death. Slide down the rope to reach a small campsite. Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery – Crucifix Statue Light Puzzle (Image credit: Naughty Dog) Once you're down in the crypt, follow the … Use the rope to swing over the debris and drop onto the hill behind it. Dans un premier temps marchez droit devant-vous jusqu'à atteindre une pente qu'il vous faudra descendre (Uncharted1). November 2011 in Nordamerika und am 2. Prepare yourself to press L1 and grab the left tap, before Nate falls to his death. Interact with Sam to begin the second optional conversation and add the second entry to your journal. Get to know with the surrounding area, and use long grass to sneak whenever it is possible. by Prima Staff. Treasure: Carved Nut Bottle Before climbing up the cliff by the first ruins, toss a stick of dynamite in the small cave to destroy the crates. Swing to another edge that Nate can grab. Approach the crosses and interact with the mechanism situated right under them. When you get to the cliff, grab nearby edges and use them to get to a small stone shelf. However, you can try to take out some of them silently. Wait for Sam to join you and approach the two remaining thugs. Do the latter, and you will find Spezzotti 12 Gauge shotgun and some dynamite. Using the same anchor, rappel down the other side of this platform and swing to the climbable wall to your left. Pour découvrir le chapitre Uncharted: Drake Fortune dans lequel vous vous trouvez, appuyez sur le … Nate will also contact Sully. Around the corner, boost Sam up to the top level, and use your rope to climb up to the next platform when Sam sets up the anchor point. Wait for Sam to cross the drawbridge and for it to collapse. Approach them and press triangle to investigate them carefully. Move right and perform a small jump. Swing on your rope and reach the safe spot. You will end up at a large gate but don't interact with it just yet. Reach stone shelves and use your grappling hook. Nate will have to jump over some sort of a barricade. You will get on walls above. Uncharted 2 soluce - Forum - PS3 Uncharted 2 relique secrete - Forum - PS3 Superposer 2 même vidéos ensemble, pour VR Guide de Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves - 1 : Pris entre deux feux 2. If you do, you will find a pistol and some dynamite. Uncharted 5 soluce Uncharted Lost Legacy, soluce complète et emplacements des . Climb up into the cave and pick up the beam blocking your path with Sam's help. Sam will attempt to cross an old bridge - when that fails, use your rope to swing on the wreckage and reach another climbable wall on the far side ahead of you. After descending from the top of the cliff, you'll run into a few Shoreline mercenaries. Découvrez toutes les solutions, tips et astuces sur Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End : infos, avis, forum, challenges et vidéos. Journal Note The Journal Note in Chapter 8: The Grave of Henry Avery is in the corner of the first room in the catacombs. This is especially important at the end, as Nate and Sam can be spotted during the process of opening the gate. Once again you can shoot them down or try to sneak up to them and eliminate them silently. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. The chapter begins on a wide glade and you won't encounter any enemies for at least couple minutes. Nate won't be able to lift the gate by himself, so you need to wait for Sam. Kill your opponents, approach the scarp and slide down. Investigate it to unlock the entrance to the tomb. This unofficial guide to Uncharted 4 A Thief's End contains all the information necessary to complete the game 100 percent and get the platinum trophy. Although the laser scope will reveal his location, it is best to stay hidden for as long as possible. Climb the stairs and follow the pathway to your left when it splits during you call to Sully. Reach it and get into a small cave. Comptez entre 8 et 9 heures pour terminer le jeu en “Normal”, le mode de difficulté médian. Next, circle around to the far end of the area (the right side from where you first came in) and eliminate the guard patrolling the outside path there first. Grab them and climb up to the very top. Chapitre 16: Le coffre au trésor Coupe d'argent et couverture: Ce morceau est probablement la pire partie de Drake's Fortune, où vous devez suivre les chiffres sur le sol. The most important location in this chapter is the graveyard where you find the mentioned grave and come across a large group of enemies. Swing your rope and aim at the nearest interactive edge. Guter Zustand. Voici la solution pour le chapitre 4, Les fouilles, du jeu de Naughty Dog Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, en version remasterisée sur PS4. We recommend one of two options: remain near the ruins and eliminate your foes with a good assault rifle or a shotgun, or take them down from a distance (e.g. Wait for the soldier patrolling outside the door to clear line-of-sight, then pull the guard over the ledge when he's above you. Approach a steep wall and plan carefully your next step. Jump up to catch his hand and climb a large stone shelf with one of the crosses. Before you begin exploring this area, get to a cliff located behind the ruins. Get back to the crosses once again and ask Sam to light fire. Then you can explore the upper or lower part of the location (hang on the edge or hide in long grass). Testé sur PS3 Par Adriano, le 18 décembre 2009 à 16h40 Trésor 4. Journal Entry #1The first journal entry in this chapter is to the left of the graveyard entrance over a short wall, about the dug-up grave there. There are 11 Treasures, 2 Journal Entires, 1 Note and 2 Optional Conversations in this chapter. You will have to perform a sled run in straight line and grab stone shelves situated on the other side of the steep ground. To avoid detection, roll through the long grass and hang from the edge of the cliff. Climb up to the base of the bridge and drag over the first guard who happens by you, then use cover to perform corner takedowns on the rest as you make your way across the bridge. Slide down the rocky hill to your left, then use the raised platform to jump onto the fallen column and across to the clifftop on the other side. Jump when Nate is near a vertical wall with an interactive edge. Chapter 8 The Grave of Henry Avery. Solution pour Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End By BiberB on 10 mai 2016. During the final part of the slide, you will have to jump towards a vertical wall and grab an interactive edge. Un peu d'aide pour avancer dans le jeu. Rejoins-moi au paradis - Soluce Uncharted 4 : A Thief .. Vous verrez sur cette page comment réussir à récupérer tous les collectibles du Chapitre 14 Rejoins-moi au paradis d'Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End Partez ensuite tout à droite de la zone en longeant la falaise et en évitant de tomber (Uncharted2et3). Jump near the bottom to reach the climbable rock wall, then climb to the top and use the anchor points in the next chamber to swing to the platform at the far end.